Hear what Australia’s most influential Industry Leaders have to say. WATCH BURNING QUESTIONS NOW
Total News Publishing reaches 21.8 million Australians with engagement across multiple brands. GET THE FACTS
Exposing the 'brand suitability' myth. Uncover the truth. Advertising in hard news has hard-hitting impact and should not be avoided. DOWNLOAD REPORT

The influential power of news & publishing

From kitchen tables to business boardrooms, news brands determine the daily agenda. 

Despite what you may have heard, news & publishing continues to remain relevant all day, every day with Aussies. That’s why it cannot be underestimated as a media channel. Nothing else delivers impact, engagement, and effectiveness quite like it. 

A 2018 US study of news-consumption behaviour found many respondents follow the same routine reading news at specific times every day.

Around the world, a Reuters Institute study found online services are the first source of daily news with many seeking out the news of the day before they even get out of bed. 

While business models and news habits change, the large audiences who trust news brands when looking for in-depth content and analysis remain. Australia’s major news brands are also where people turn for breaking news and in times of crisis. 

Smart marketers know that this engagement primes audiences to receive advertising messages.  

Journalism: the unique strength of news brands

Journalism is what draws readers to Australia’s trusted news brands and sets them apart from other forms of media. With the power to effect major change, journalism drives emotional responses creating connections with Australians. 

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Research Fact Packs
22nd May

Fundamentals: Facts and stats May, 2023
Fundamentals: Facts and stats May, 2023

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