Total News Publishing reaches 21.8 million Australians with engagement across multiple brands. GET THE FACTS
Exposing the 'brand suitability' myth. Uncover the truth. Advertising in hard news has hard-hitting impact and should not be avoided. DOWNLOAD REPORT
Hear what Australia’s most influential Agency Leaders have to say. WATCH BURNING QUESTIONS NOW


Reframing perceptions of old-school advertising in the new consumer normal

Watch now on-demand: a special virtual event featuring media research guru, Dr Duane Varan, plus leading Australian CMOs

Rapid advancement of digitisation, along with changing consumer needs and behaviours during 2020, has given product, media and experience consumption a massive shake-up. Add in squeezed budgets, demand for fast, demonstrable business impact and the growing need for agility, and you have a perfect storm of reasons for why brands are actively reframing their media mix.

Responding to demands of the industry, The Benchmark Series, a world-first ground-breaking research piece shows news brands present a distinctive and contextually relevant way of addressing these changing consumer forces by offering brands a unique blend of visibility, recall, trust and impact.

This special virtual event explores news media’s impact on brand building and business results

Join CMO, ThinkNewsBrands, media research guru, Dr Duane Varan, and leading Australian marketers for this special virtual event that explores news media’s impact on brand building and business results.

The session delves into:

• How leading Australian brands are harnessing the power of their media investments to drive business results

• If traditional media and perceived old-school advertising channels can deliver cut-through, brand uplift and commercial impact

• What rapid commerce and engagement digitisation in 2020 has done to media mix, spend and advertising strategy

How well do you really know news? Download the findings of The Benchmark Series now.


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Events Past event
26th Nov
2024/11/22 8:00 am

Mediaweek 100 2024
Mediaweek 100 2024

Events Past event
25th Nov
2024/11/21 8:00 am

ThinkNewsBrands & AMI Thought Leadership Event, Sydney
ThinkNewsBrands & AMI Thought Leadership Event, Sydney

Events Past event
4th Sep
2024/08/29 8:00 am

ThinkNewsBrands & AMI Thought Leadership Lunch, Melbourne
ThinkNewsBrands & AMI Thought Leadership Lunch, Melbourne
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