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ThinkNewsBrands & AMI Thought Leadership Lunch, Melbourne

Navigating New Frontiers: Shifting landscapes, evolving customer behaviours and the metrics that matter most for marketing leaders.

On Thursday 29th August 2024, over 80 senior marketers gathered to launch the Marketing Perspectives Series, presented by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and ThinkNewsBrands at ANZ Docklands.

We were honoured to host an esteemed panel of industry experts, moderated by ThinkNewsBrands’ CEO Vanessa Lyons:

  • Russel Howcroft, 3AW Breakfast Radio Co-Host and Marketing Expert
  • Kate Young, Executive Manager – Marketing Strategy and Capability, ANZ

The discussions offered invaluable insights into the ever-evolving marketing landscape, including shifts in consumer beliefs, macro-environmental trends, and emerging technologies. Our panelists shared practical strategies for navigating these changes and driving impactful brand and business growth.

The event was a resounding success, featuring lively discussions, engaging networking opportunities, and a delicious light lunch in Docklands.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a memorable experience. We look forward to seeing you at future events in the Marketing Perspectives Series.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the world of marketing.

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2024/08/28 8:00 am

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