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The Whole Story with Kate Whitney, CMO, Marley Spoon

We talked to Kate Whitney, Chief Marketing Officer about how news can play a critical role in filling a marketing funnel with new customers.

I don’t want to wait years for unprompted brand recall.
Kate Whitney
CMO, Marley Spoon

How do we know news is working?

“We can reach someone when they’re ready to absorb information.”

Kate uses a two-speed marketing approach with a considerable portion of her budget allocated to attracting new customers. Keeping the top of her marketing funnel constantly filled is a key priority; and this is where news plays a critical role.

People come to news to find out what’s new in the world, which makes it an ideal place to put messaging if you have a new product you want them to consider. For Kate and Marley Spoon, understanding consumer behaviour makes this even more potent. Knowing people often think about dinner in the morning, and that Mondays are a time when people want to put the excesses of the weekend behind them, targeting messages within news and around these moments raises their effectiveness.

As a constant way to attract new customers, and drive both unaided brand awareness and unprompted recall, news delivers. That’s why news is always a part of the media mix for Marley Spoon.

Why News Perspectives
15th Mar

Hear some red hot takes from agency leaders on the media landscape and how to deliver success for clients.

Burning Questions

Learn how agency leaders use news publishing to deliver results for clients.
Burning Questions

Hear some red hot takes from agency leaders on the media landscape and how to deliver success for clients.

Burning Questions: How has news publishing boosted your clients’ success?
Burning Questions: What marco factors are in the spotlight right now?
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