The Benchmark Series: The Social Chapter
The Benchmark Series
Advertising in news is more effective than advertising on social media platforms
With the strongest reach, superior trust, memorability and immediate ROI impact, advertising in news deserves a greater share of your media mix.
The latest findings from The Benchmark and Payback Series now prove that when it comes to increasing your brand and sales impact, social media is simply no alternative to news advertising.
The Social Chapter insights:
- Newspaper ads outperform Facebook by up to 4X
- Ads in news deliver 1.7X the brand impact of YouTube
- News is amongst the best for short-term ROI, 10% better than social media
- Readership of news is high across all Australians, including heavy users of social media
How well do you really know news? Download The Social Chapter now for insights and findings from The Benchmark Series.
For more insights and findings from The Benchmark Series, download The Whole Story.
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